林嘉澍老師(Chia-Shu Lin)

Laboratory of Brain and Oral Functions [English]



林嘉澍老師學術著作Dental Neuroimaging: The Role of the Brain in Oral Functions於2022年由國際學術出版權威之一Wiley圖書發行。是國際學界首次聚焦神經造影探討口腔功能人腦機制之專著。
全球首個為牙科學生與口腔健康工作者設計,介紹人腦與行為議題的網路課程Brain, Behaviour and Dentistry,已於2022年5/23於國際網路課程平台FutureLearn正式開課。歡迎有興趣的同學與口腔專業夥伴線上學習(4週遠距課程)。


教學遊戲工作室The Hard Problem Studios

大學部 ●導師課程 ●二年級牙體型態學實驗 ●三年級咬合學(部分) ●三年級咬合學實驗 ●四年級全口假牙實驗 ●四年級行為牙醫學(選修) ●五年級活動假牙實驗
研究所–牙醫學系 ●口腔顏面疼痛(2013-2020) ●口腔顏面疼痛與神經科學(2021-) ●行為研究實驗設計與資料分析 ●牙科行為科學 ●老年牙醫學
研究所–腦科學研究所 ●腦神經造影資料分析 ●情緒神經科學


●2023:(全國性)教育部教學實踐研究計畫110年度績優計畫【強化牙醫系學生行為科學與人文素養之教學 – 以臨床醫病互動電子遊戲為學習媒介】
●2023:國立陽明交通大學國際化研究成果獎勵「傑出國際專書獎勵」Dental Neuroimaging: The Role of the Brain in Oral Functions
●2022:(全國性)臺灣開放式課程暨教育聯盟 (TOCEC)「特優獎」(全國兩名) 【Brain, Behaviour, and Dentistry】
●2022:通過國立陽明交通大學國際高教培訓暨認證,獲頒英國高等教育學會(Advance HE)會士(HEA Fellowship)
●2008-2010:英國政府海外研究學生獎學金(Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme)

●2019:牙三羅廣荃同學獲中華牙醫學會Student Clinician Program論文競賽全國第二名(學生著作連結)
●2018:王鼎涵博士代表於倫敦IADR年會報告本實驗室研究成果(Brain signatures associated with swallowing efficiency in older people)獲IADR Geriatric Oral Research Group博士後論文首獎 J. Morita Award – 為我國近年於IADR世界年會首次獲獎!
●2015:Best Poster, 15th Scientific Meeting of Asian Academy of Cranio-mandibular Disorders (AACMD), Daegu, Korea


112-115年度 國科會專題研究計畫 計畫主持人「心手合一」:發展以感覺運動行為/認知測試為基礎的牙醫系學生臨床操作技能學習平台」(NSTC 112-2314-B-A49-015-MY3)
113-116年度 國科會雙邊協議專案型國際合作(Network of European Funding for Neuroscience Research)研究計畫 共同主持人「疼痛的複雜性及其倫理意涵」(NSTC 113-2923-H-A49-002-MY3)
110年度 教育部教學實踐計畫 計畫主持人「強化牙醫系學生行為科學與人文素養之教學 – 以臨床醫病互動電子遊戲為學習媒介」(PMN1100611)本計畫獲教育部教學實踐研究計畫110年度績優計畫
110-112年度 科技部專題研究計畫 計畫主持人「探討咀嚼功能適應與學習的腦神經機制及老年醫學的轉譯應用」(MOST 110-2314-B-A49A-518-MY3)
107-109年度 科技部專題研究計畫 計畫主持人「台灣民眾之牙科焦慮與恐懼現況調查:從建立測量工具到臨床實務應用」(MOST 107-2314-B-010-030-MY2)  本計畫為科技部補助具政策應用參考價值之研究成果(衛生福利部)
105-109年度 科技部專題研究計畫(優秀年輕學者研究計畫) 計畫主持人「開發以腦神經造影為基礎之中高齡者口腔功能與口顏疼痛預防診斷系統」(105-2628-B-010 -008-MY4)
104年度 嚴慶齡醫學研究研究中心 計畫主持人「認知與情緒因素如何影響老年牙科病患之口腔顏面疼痛經驗以及醫療決策行為 – 腦神經造影研究」
103-106年度 科技部專題研究計畫 計畫主持人「以腦神經造影探索影響老人口腔顏面疼痛與咀嚼功能之中樞神經機制(三年期計畫)」(103-2314-B-010-025-MY3)
102年度 國科會專題研究計畫 計畫主持人「功能性磁振造影探討牙痛與牙痛緩解之腦神經機制」(102-2314-B-010-049)


●(預定)第22屆亞洲口腔顏面疼痛與顱顏障礙症學會Asian Academy of Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders (AAOT)/台灣台北2024.11.2
受邀擔任講者:An Introduction to Dysmasema – Clinical and Brain Features of Persistent Masticatory Dysfunction in Older Adults
●第102屆國際牙醫學研究學會年會 International Association for Dental Research (IADR)/美國紐奧良2024.3.13-15
受邀擔任研討會(Lunch & Learning session)主持人與講者:Design and Interpretation of Neuroimaging of Oral Function and Disease
●QS高等教育亞太峰會QS Asia Pacific Summit /印尼雅加達(線上)2022.10.26 /台灣台北2022.9.18
受邀擔任研討會講者:Can the Issues of Doctor-Patient Relationship be Taught by Playing Electronic Games?
●第16屆 亞洲抗失智症學會Asian Society Against Dementia (ASAD)年會 /台灣台北2022.9.18
受邀擔任講者:Dental Health and Dementia
●第20屆亞洲口腔顏面疼痛與顱顏障礙症學會Asian Academy of Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders (AAOT)/南韓首爾2021.10.23
受邀擔任講者:Association between cultural differences and perception and decision-making about pain
受邀擔任研討會講者:Teaching behavioral science and the humanities to dental students – a new model of context-based learning via electronic games
●第99屆國際牙醫學研究學會年會 International Association for Dental Research (IADR)/美國波士頓2021
擔任研討會主持人(chair):Neuroimaging and Dentistry: Translational Research based on Brain Imaging
擔任研討會主辦人(organizer) / 受邀擔任研討會講者:Mastication and Deglutition of Geriatric Patients: Mechanisms and Practice
●第11屆亞太地區老年學暨老年醫學國際研討會 The 11th International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics Asia/Oceania Regional Congress/台灣台北2019.10.25
受邀擔任講者:New horizon of the gerodontology for 2020: Interactions of oral functions, swallowing and the links to systemic illnesses
●The 5th Asian Conference for Frailty and Sarcopenia/台灣台北2019.10.23
受邀擔任講者:Masseter Muscle Mass, Frailty and Sarcopenia
●美國神經科學年會 Neuroscience 2018, Society for Neuroscience (SfN)/美國聖地牙哥2018.11.2
受邀擔任研討會講者:Orofacial Functions: From Neural Mechanisms to Rehabilitation
受邀擔任研討會講者:Mastication and Deglutition of Geriatric Patients: Mechanisms and Practice
●第三屆日本國立長壽醫療研究中心與國衛院高齡與健康整合研究中心討論會/日本名古屋市 2017.9.7
受邀擔任講者:Can chewing make your brain smarter? – Revisiting the current neuroimaging evidence and its clinical implications in geriatric medicine
●第27屆日本老人齒科學會年會The 27th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Gerodontology/日本德島市 2016.6.16
受邀擔任講者:The association between cognitive abilities and masticatory performance in the elderly people: evidence from structural and functional MRI investigation (高齢者の認知能力と咀嚼能率の関係 fMRIによる研究から得られたエビデンス)
●亞洲顱顏障礙學會Asian Academy of Cranio-mandibular Disorders (AACMD)/南韓大邱2015.10.24
受邀擔任講者:Brain mechanisms associated with masticatory performance in the elderly people
受邀擔任symposium講者(Next Generation Imaging in Dentistry:From Pulp to Cortex):Is dental pain a catastrophe? Functional imaging of pain catastrophizing


●莊凱翔 探討健康成人口腔立體感與咀嚼功能之關聯(連結) 國立陽明大學碩士 / 牙醫學系 / 106
●吳隆廷 接受緊急根管治療患者之疼痛與焦慮經驗(連結) 國立陽明大學碩士 / 牙醫學系 / 104
●趙子祐 牙科焦慮與成人樹脂窩洞修形疼痛經驗關聯性之臨床評估(連結) 國立陽明大學碩士 / 牙醫學系 / 104

SCI論文發表(h index=20)

擔任第一及通訊作者共26篇 | 擔任第一或通訊作者共12篇
Q1期刊論文共35篇 | Q2期刊論文共9篇

2023 – Present
● Lobbezoo F, Lin C-S, Trulsson M, Kumar A, Verhoeff MC (2024). Using your jaws sharpens your teeth… and mind! Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Online ahead of print (IF=3.1, R/C=23/51 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
● Lin C-S (Corresponding Author), Chen Y-C, Chao L-J, Kao W-C, Chen T-C (2024). Age-related Difference in Oral Adaptation to Masticatory Perturbation. Arch Oral Biol, 161:105914 (IF=2.2, R/C=37/157 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
● Lin C-S (Corresponding Author) , Chen T-C, Verhoeff MC, Lobbezoo F, Trulsson M, Fuh J-L (2024). An umbrella review on the association between factors of oral health and cognitive dysfunction. Ageing Research Reviews, 93:102128 (IF=12.5, R/C=3/74 (Q1) in GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY).
● Chan Y-T, Lin C-S (Corresponding Author) (2023). Structural Brain Feature is Associated with Changes of Masticatory Performance in Healthy Elderly People: Evidence from Longitudinal Neuroimaging Research over Two Years. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 51:526 (IF=3.1, R/C=23/51 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
● Chen T-C, Lin C-S (Corresponding Author) (2023). Neuroimaging Meta‐analysis of Brain Mechanisms of the Association between Orofacial Pain and Mastication. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 51:526 (IF=3.1, R/C=23/51 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
● Lin C-S (Corresponding Author), Liu L-K, Chen L-K, Fuh J-L (2023). Association between masseter muscle volume, nutritional status, and cognitive status in older people. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 113: 105038 (IF=3.5, R/C=29/71 (Q2) in GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY).
● Lin C-S (Corresponding Author), Yang C-C (2023). Evaluation of a digital game for teaching behavioral aspects of clinical communication in dentistry. BMC Med Educ, 23:78 (IF=2.7, R/C=19/85 (Q1) in EDUCATION, SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINES).
● Parisius KGH, Verhoeff MC, Lobbezoo F, Avivi-Arber L, Duyck J, Hirano H, Iijima K, Janssens B, Kossioni A, Lin C-S, McKenna G, Müller F, Schimmel M, Visser A, Watanabe Y, Gobbens RJJ (2024). Towards an operational definition of oral frailty: A e-Delphi study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 117:105181 (IF=3.5, R/C=29/71 (Q2) in GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY).
● Knijn FV, Verhoeff MC, Bindels KL, Fuh JL, Lin CS, Su N, Lobbezoo F (2023). Are demographic factors, masticatory performance and structural brain signatures associated with cognitive impairment in older people? A pilot study of cross-sectional neuroimaging data. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 51:526 (IF=3.1, R/C=23/51 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
Before 2023
● Bindels KL, Verhoeff MC, Su N, Knijn FV, Aarab G, Fuh JL, Lin CS, Lobbezoo F (2023). Swallowing performance in older adults: Associated cognitive, neuroanatomical and demographic factors. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 51:526 (IF=3.1, R/C=23/51 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author), Chang WJ, Fuh JL (2022). Lower masticatory function relates to cognitive health and intrinsic brain network in older adults. Oral Diseases, 29:2895 (IF=2.9, R/C=30/157 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
● Lin C-S, Liu L-K, Lee W-J, Peng L-N, Lin C-P, Lee S-Y, Chen L-K (2022). Low masseter muscle mass is associated with frailty in community-dwelling older adults: I-Lan Longitudinal Aging Study. Experimental Gerontology, 163:111777 (IF=3.3, R/C=35/54 (Q2) in GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY).
● Wu L-T, Lin C-S (Corresponding Author), Yang S-F (2021). Association between pain, anxiety, and pain relief in patients receiving emergent endodontic treatment. Clin Oral Investig, 26:275-285 (IF=3.1, R/C=23/157 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
● Lin C-S (Corresponding Author), Lee C-Y, Wu S-Y, Chen L-L, Lee K-T, Wang M-C, Wang T-F (2021). Translation and Validation of Modified Dental Anxiety Scale based on Adult Taiwan Population. BMC Oral Health, 21:647 (IF=2.6, R/C=26/157 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
● Lin C-S (Corresponding Author), Lee C-Y, Chen L-L, Wu L-T, Yang S-F, Wang T-F (2021). Magnification of fear and intention of avoidance in non-experienced vs. experienced dental treatment in adults. BMC Oral Health, 21:328 (IF=2.6, R/C=26/157 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
● Liu YCG, Lan S-J, Hirano H, Lin, L-M, Hori K, Lin C-S, Zwetchkenbaum S, Minakuchi S, Teng AYT (2020). Update and review of the gerodontology prospective for 2020’s: Linking the interactions of oral (hypo)-functions to health vs. systemic diseases. Journal of Dental Sciences, 16:757 (IF=3.4, R/C=17/157 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
● (ESCI) Samsir MS, Zakaria R, Razak SA, Ismail MS, Rahim MZA, Lin CS, Osman NMFN, Asri MA, Mohd NH, Ahmad AH (2020). Six Months Guided Exercise Therapy Improves Motor Abilities and White Matter Connectivity in Children with Cerebral Palsy. Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences, 27:90 (IF=1.1 in MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL).
● Lo KC, Lin HH, Lin CS (Corresponding Author) (2020). A novel method for assessing oral mixing ability based on the spatial clusters quantified by variogram. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 47:951-960 (IF=3.1, R/C=23/157 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
● Lin CS, Lin HH, Wang SJ, Fuh JL (2020). Association between regional brain volume and masticatory performance differed in cognitively impaired and non-impaired older people. Experimental Gerontology, 137:110942 (IF=3.3, R/C=35/54 (Q2) in GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY).
● Lin CS, Lin HH, Fann SW, Lee WJ, Hsu ML, Wang SJ, Fuh JL (2020). Association between tooth loss and gray matter volume in cognitive impairment. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 14:396 (IF=2.4, R/C=7/15 (Q2) in NEUROIMAGING).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author), Yeung AWK (2020). What do we learn from brain imaging?-A primer for the dentists who want to know more about the association between the brain and human stomatognathic functions. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 51:526 (IF=3.1, R/C=23/51 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author) (2020). Functional Adaptation of Oromotor Functions and Aging: A Focused Review of the Evidence From Brain Neuroimaging Research. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 11:354 (IF=4.1, R/C=22/74 (Q2) in GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author), Wu CY, Wang DH, Lin HH, Lo KC, Lo WL, Liu LK, Fuh JL, Hsu ML (2019). Brain signatures associated with swallowing efficiency in older people. Experimental Gerontology, 115:1 (IF=3.3, R/C=35/54 (Q2) in GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY).
● Lee LC, Chen YH, Lin CS, Li WC, Low I, Tu CH, Chou CC, Cheng CC, Yeh TC, Chen LF, Chao HT, Hsieh JC (2018). Unaltered intrinsic functional brain architecture in young women with primary dysmenorrhea. Scientific Reports, 8:12971 (IF=3.8, R/C=25/134 (Q1) in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author) (2018). Meta-analysis of brain mechanisms of chewing and clenching movements. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, 51:526 (IF=3.1, R/C=23/51 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author), Wu CY, Wu SY, Lin HH (2018). Brain activations associated with fearful experience show common and distinct patterns between younger and older adults in the hippocampus and the amygdala. Scientific Reports, 6:37816 (IF=3.8, R/C=25/134 (Q1) in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author) (2018). Revisiting the link between cognitive decline and masticatory dysfunction. BMC Geriatrics, 18:5 (IF=3.4, R/C=12/47 (Q2) in GERONTOLOGY).
● (ESCI) Samsir S, Zakaria R, Razak SA, Ismail MS, Rahim MZA, Lin CS, Osman NMFN, Asri MA, Ahmad AH (2018). Characterisation of the Corticospinal Tract Using Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Unilateral and Bilateral Cerebral Palsy Patients. Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences, 25:68 (IF=1.1 in MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author), Wu CY, Wu SY, Chuang KH, Lin HH, Cheng DH, Lo WL (2017). Age-and sex-related differences in masseter size and its role in oral functions. The Journal of the American Dental Association, 148:644 (IF=3.1, R/C=23/157 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author), Wu CY, Wu SY, Lin HH, Cheng DH, Lo WL (2017). Age-Related Difference in Functional Brain Connectivity of Mastication. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9:82 (IF=4.1, R/C=22/74 (Q2) in GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author), Wu SY, CA Yi (2017). Association between Anxiety and Pain in Dental Treatment A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Journal of Dental Research, 96:153 (IF=5.7, R/C=4/157 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author), Lin HH, Wu SY. Functional and Structural Signatures of the Anterior Insula are associated with Risk-taking Tendency of Analgesic Decision-making (2016). Scientific Reports, 6:37816 (IF=3.8, R/C=25/134 (Q1) in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author), Wu SY, Huang HY, Lai YL (2016). Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Incidence of Altered Sensation of Mandibular Implant Surgery. PLoS ONE, 11(4):e0154082 (IF=2.9, R/C=31/134 (Q1) in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author), Wu SY, Wu CY, Ko HW (2016). Grey matter volume and resting-state functional connectivity of the motor cortex-cerebellum network reflect the individual variation in masticatory performance in the healthy elderly people. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 7:247 (IF=4.1, R/C=22/74 (Q2) in GERIATRICS & GERONTOLOGY).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author), Wu, SY, Wu LY (2015). The anterior insula and anterior cingulate cortex are associated with avoidance of dental treatment based on prior experience of treatment in healthy adults. BMC Neuroscience, 16:88. (IF=2.4, R/C=195/310 (Q3) in NEUROSCIENCES).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author), Wu SY, Wu LT (2015). Preferences for Analgesic Treatments Are Influenced by Probability of the Occurrence of Adverse Effects and the Time to Reach Maximal Therapeutic Effects. PLoS ONE, 10: e0130214 (IF=2.9, R/C=31/134 (Q1) in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES).
● Wilkinson L, Tai YF, Lin CS, Lagnado DA, Brooks DJ, Piccini P, Jahanshahi M (2014). Probabilistic classification learning with corrective feedback is associated with in vivo striatal dopamine release in the ventral striatum, while learning without feedback is not. Human Brain Mapping, 35:5106 (IF=3.5, R/C=3/15 (Q1) in NEUROIMAGING).
● Lin CS, Ku HL, Chao HT, Tu PJ, Li CT, Cheng CM, Su TP, Lee YC, Hsieh JC* (2014). Neural network of body representation differs between transsexuals and cissexuals. PLoS One, 9:e85914 (IF=2.9, R/C=31/134 (Q1) in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES).
● Lin CS, Hsieh JC, Yeh TC, Niddam DM* (2014) Predictability-mediated pain modulation in context of multiple cues: An event-related fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, 64C:85-91 (IF=2.0 , R/C=52/99 (Q3) in PSYCHOLOGY, EXPERIMENTAL).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author) (2014) Brain Signature of Chronic Orofacial Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis on Neuroimaging Research of Trigeminal Neuropathic Pain and Temporomandibular Joint Disorders. PLoS One, 9:e94300 (IF=2.9, R/C=31/134 (Q1) in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author), Niddam D, Hsu ML (2014). Meta-analysis on Brain Representation of Experimental Dental Pain. Journal of Dental Research, 93:126 (IF=5.7, R/C=4/157 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
● Wiech K, Jbabdi S, Lin CS, Andersson J, Tracey I (2014). Differential structural and resting state connectivity between insular sub-divisions and other pain-related brain regions. Pain, 155:2047 (IF=5.9, R/C=4/64 (Q1), ANESTHESIOLOGY).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author) (2013). Pain catastrophizing in dental patients: Implications for management. The Journal of American Dental Association, 144:1244 (IF=3.1, R/C=23/157 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author), Niddam DM, Hsu MR, Hsieh JC (2013). Pain Catastrophizing is associated with Dental Pain under Stressful Context. Journal of Dental Research, 92:130 (IF=5.7, R/C=4/157 (Q1) in DENTISTRY, ORAL SURGERY & MEDICINE).
● Lin CS (Corresponding Author) (2013). Making the decision to stop pain: Effect of probability and magnitude of expected pain relief on the choice of analgesics. European Journal of Pain, 17:587 (IF=3.5, R/C=11/64 (Q1) in ANESTHESIOLOGY).
● Lin CS, Hsieh JC, Yeh TC, Lee SY, Niddam DM (2013). Functional dissociation within insular cortex: The effect of pre-stimulus anxiety on pain. Brain Research, 1493:40 (IF=2.7, R/C=158/310 (Q3) in NEUROSCIENCES).
● Lin CS, Liu Y, Huang WY, Lu CF, Teng S, Ju TC, Jiang TZ, He Y, Wu YT, Hsieh JC* (2013) Sculpting the intrinsic modular organization of spontaneous brain activity by art. PLoS One, 8:e66761 (IF=2.9, R/C=31/134 (Q1) in MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES).
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●Chia-Shu Lin (2021) Dental Neuroimaging: The Role of the Brain in Oral Functions [link] Wiley
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●林嘉澍譯(2002)分子生物學速成。 (譯自: Instant notes in molecular biology, 2nd ed.P. C. Turner 等原著)。台北市:合記圖書。● 林嘉澍(2023)《此路不通?一位大學臭汗教師的學術人生漂流記》新竹市:國立陽明交通大學出版社
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● 林嘉澍(2009)《臨床牙醫師必備 : 病患行為與情緒認知參考手冊》台北市:合記圖書
● 林嘉澍(2002)《分子生物學速成》(譯自: Instant notes in molecular biology, 2nd ed.P. C. Turner 等原著) 台北市:合記圖書


●林嘉澍(2022)小兵參戰記(三):開設國內(ewant)與國際線上教學平台(FutureLearn) 課程之心得與見聞 – 我的「行為牙醫學」之旅[連結]《中華牙醫學會訊》,271,49-55
●林嘉澍(2022)小兵參戰記(一): 籌辦2020 – 2021 國際牙科研究學會(IADR) 研討會之心得與見聞[連結]《中華牙醫學會訊》,269,49-54
●林嘉澍(2020)台灣近五年臨床牙醫研究之國際競爭力 – 以Google Scholar與MEDLINE資料庫為基礎的分析範例。[連結]《中華牙醫學會訊》,263,22-31
●林嘉澍(2018)「人工智慧」起風還是跟風? – 從口腔醫學研究與牙科教育談起《臺灣牙醫界》,37(9),20-26。
●林嘉澍(2017)「牙科行為科學」在牙醫師養成教育中扮演的角色 – 回顧近年教學之深耕與挑戰《臺灣牙醫界》,36(8),37-47