吳靜宜 老師(Wu, Ching-Yi )











2018 乳糖對致齲生物膜的影響 個人  共同主持人 2018/01/01~2018/12/31 臺北榮總 
2018 口腔上皮表現第一型穿膜黏蛋白與嗜中性球功能的交互作用 個人  共同主持人 2018/01/01~2018/12/31 台北市政府衛生局 
2018 雌激素對口腔微生物感染上皮的影響  主持人 2018/01/01~2018/12/31 嚴慶齡醫學研究中心 
2018 黃體素對牙周致病菌感染口腔上皮之影響 個人  共同主持人 2018/01/01~2018/12/31 臺北榮總 
2017 雌激素對beta腎上腺素受器對腮腺細胞保護的影響 個人  共同主持人 2017/01/01~2017/12/31 衛生福利部桃園醫院 
2017 穿膜黏蛋白對單純皰疹病毒第一型感染口腔上皮之影 個人  共同主持人 2017/01/01~2017/12/31 台北市政府衛生局統籌款 
2017 特定光源頻段搭配對應濾光片之牙菌斑檢測 個人  共同主持人 2017/02/01~2018/01/31 科技部 
2017 表沒食子兒茶素沒食子酸酯與口腔鏈球菌生物膜形成 個人  共同主持人 2017/08/01~2018/07/31 科技部 
2017 發展與評估水凝膠對唾液腺再生之效果 個人  主持人 2017/01/01~2017/12/31 嚴慶齡醫學研究中心 
2016 表沒食子兒茶素沒食子酸酯對於單純皰疹病毒與口腔致病菌感染的影響 個人  共同主持人 2016/08/01~2018/07/31 科技部 
2016 雌激素對腮腺分泌調控機轉的影響 個人  共同主持人 2016/01/01~2016/12/31 衛生福利部桃園醫院 
2016 表沒食子兒茶素沒食子酸酯對致齲多菌種生物膜的影響 個人  共同主持人 2016/01/01~2016/12/31 臺北榮總 
2016 開發以腦神經造影為基礎之中高齡者口腔功能與口顏疼痛預防診斷系統 個人  共同主持人 2016/08/01~2020/07/31 科技部 
2015 表沒食子兒茶素沒食子酸酯對牙釉質初期酸蝕的影響 個人  共同主持人 2015/01/01~2015/12/31 臺北榮總 
2015 穿膜黏蛋白對牙周致病菌感染口腔上皮之影響 個人  共同主持人 2015/01/01~2015/12/31 臺北市政府衛生局 
2015 以腦神經造影探索影響老人口腔顏面疼痛與咀嚼功能之中樞神經機制 個人  共同主持人 2014/08/01~2017/07/31 科技部 
2014 綠茶多酚對代田菌(養樂多益生菌)抑制齲齒形成機轉的影響 個人  共同主持人 2014/01/01~2014/12/31 台北市政府衛生局統籌款 
2014 環單磷酸腺?訊息傳導路徑於腮腺腺細胞終端分化扮演之角色(3/3)  主持人 2014/08/01~2015/07/31 科技部


Journal papers:

1.Chang, C.W., Lin, H.H., Wu, S.Y., Wu, C.Y., Lai Y.L., Hung, S.L. Association between monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 -2518 A/G gene polymorphism and the outcome of the nonsurgical periodontal treatment. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 2018; 117(3):191-196 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.969;Rank: 29.35%)

2.Lin, C.S., Wu, C.Y., Wu, S.Y., Lin, H.H. Brain activations associated with fearful experience show different patterns between younger and older adults in the hippocampus and the amygdala. Scientific Reports 2018; 8(1):5137 (SCI). (Impact factor: 4.259;Rank: 14.84%)

3.Lin, Y.C., Wu, C.Y., Chang, L.Y., Chen, C.C., Chen, H.H., Lai, Y.L., Hung, S.L. Levels of HMGB1 in gingival crevicular fluid in non-smokers and smokers with chronic periodontitis. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association 2017; 116(12):933-939 (SCI). (Impact factor: 1.969;Rank: 29.35%)

4.Lin, C.S., Wu, C.Y., Wu, S.Y., Chuang, K.H., Lin, H.H., Cheng, D.H., Lo, W.L. Age and gender differences in masseter size and its role in oral functions. Journal of the American Dental Association 2017; 148(9):644-653 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.15;Rank: 25.00%)

5.Lin, C.S., Wu, C.Y., Wu, S.Y., Lin, H.H., Cheng, D.H., Lo, W.L. Age-related difference in functional brain connectivity of mastication. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2017; 9:82 (SCI). (Impact factor: 4.504;Rank: 13.27%)

6.Lin, C.S., Wu, S.Y., Wu, C.Y, Ko, H.W. Gray matter volume and resting-state functional connectivity of the motor cortex-cerebellum network reflect the individual variation in masticatory performance in healthy elderly people. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2016; 7:247 (SCI). (Impact factor: 4.504;Rank: 13.27%)

7.Wang, T. H., Hisa, S.M., Wu, C.H., Ko, S.Y., Chen, M.Y., Shih, Y.H., Shieh, T.M., Chuang, L.C., Wu, C.Y. Evaluation of the antibacterial potential of liquid and vapor phase phenolic essential oil compounds against oral microorganisms. PLoS One 2016; 11(9):e0163147 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.806;Rank: 22.66%)

8.Wu CC, Lin CT, Wu, C.Y, Peng WS, Lee MJ, Tsai YC. Inhibitory effect of Lactobacillus salivarius on Streptococcus mutans biofilm formation. Molecular Oral Microbiology 2015; 30(1):16-26 (SCI). (Impact factor: 2.908;Rank: 13.89%)

9.吳詩韻、吳靜宜、賴玉玲、李士元. 類風溼性關節炎和牙周疾病的相關性及牙周治療的影響. 臨床醫學月刊 2014; 74:11-18 (OI).


1.Wu, C.Y., Wu, S.Y., Tsao, Y.P., Chen, M.H., Chien, S.C., Lai, Y.L., Lee, S.Y., Oral conditions of Taiwanese with Sjögren or sicca syndrome, The 96th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR/IADR/Pan European Regional Congress, London, England. Jul 2018.

2.Wu, C.Y., Wang, M.Y., Lyu, D.Y., Lee, S.Y., Yang, S.F., Hung, S.L., EGCG and caries formation caused by dual-species biofilms in vitro, The 95th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR/The 46th Annual Meeting of the AADR/The 41st Annual Meeting of the CADR, San Francisco, CA, USA. Mar 2017.

3.Lin, C.S., Chuang, K.H., Wu, C.Y., Wu, S.Y., Lin, H.H., Cheng, D.H., Lo, W.L., Imaging-based assessment of masseter volume and implications on oral functions, The 95th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR/The 46th Annual Meeting of the AADR/The 41st Annual Meeting of the CADR, San Francisco, CA, USA. Mar 2017.

4.Kao, Y.T., Mar, K. Hung, S.L., Wu, C.Y., Differences in oral epithelial stimulation between Streptococcal and periodontal pathogens, 陽明大學105學年度學術論文研討會, 台灣台北. Jun 2017.

5.Kao, Y.T., Mar, K., Hung, S.L., Wu, C.Y., Influences of MUC1 on NF-kB activation by Fusobacterium nucleatum, 31st IADR-SEA & 28th SEAADE Annual Scientific Meeting/ 40th CTADS Annual Scientific Meeting, 台北台灣, Aug 2017.

6.Lee, C.C., He, S.J., Wu, C.Y., Lai, Y.L., Hung, S.L., The effects of Porphyromonas gingivalis on MUC1 expression in gingival tissues, The 16th Scientific Meeting of Taiwan Academy of Periodontology, 台北台灣, Oct 2017.

7.He, S.J., Chiang, C.Y., Wu, C.Y., Beta-estradiol affected cAMP-signaling molecule expression in a parotid cell line, The 95th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR/The 46th Annual Meeting of the AADR/The 41st Annual Meeting of the CADR, San Francisco, CA, USA. Mar 2017.

8.Lin, C.S., Lin, H.H., Wu, S.Y., Wu, C.Y., Age-related differences in brain mechanisms of dental fear, The 95th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR/The 46th Annual Meeting of the AADR/The 41st Annual Meeting of the CADR, San Francisco, CA, USA. Mar 2017.

9.Lee, C.C., Lai, Y., Ma, K., Hung, S.L., Wu, C.Y., Porphyromonas gingivalis affects MUC1 expression in oral epithelium, The 94th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR/The 3rd Meeting of the IADR Asia Pacific Region/35th Annual Meeting of the IADR Korean Division, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Jun 2016.

10.Wang, M.Y., Ma, K., Hung, S.L., Wu, C.Y., Effects of epigallocatechin-3 gallate on properties of the biofilm formed by Streptococcus mutans and Lactobaoillus casei strain Shirota,The 94th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR/The 3rd Meeting of the IADR Asia Pacific Region/The 35th Annual Meeting of the IADR Korean Division, Seoul, Republic of Korea. Jun 2016.

11.Wu, C.Y., Lee, C.C., Ma, K., Hung, S.L., Expression of MUC1 in human oral epithelium cell lines, 2016 SEAADE, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Sep 2016.

12.Wu, C.Y., Chiang, M.H., Immunohistochemical analyses of the signaling complex of AKAP5 in differentiating parotid glands, Gordon Research Conference: Salivary Glands & Exocrine Biology, Galveston, TX, USA. Feb 2015.

13.吳靜宜、蘇子懿、吳詩韻、馬魁、洪善鈴, 表沒食子兒茶素沒食子酸酯對突變型鏈球菌及乾酪乳酸桿代田菌形成生物膜之影響,中華牙醫學會第二十屆第一次會員大會暨第三十八次學術研討會, 台灣台北, Oct 2015.

14.Lin, C.S., Wu, C.Y., Ko, H.W., Wu, S.Y., Changes in white matter architecture reflect masticatory performance in the elderly people, The 15th Scientific Meeting of the Asian Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders, Daegu, Korea. Oct 2015.

15.Lin, C.S., Wu, C.Y., Ko, H.W., Wu, C.Y., Neural correlates associated with masticatory performance in the elderly people, The 15th Scientific Meeting of the Asian Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders,Daegu, Republic of Korea. Oct 2015.

16.Chen, D.C., Yi, M.R., Wu, C.Y., Hung, S.L., The influence of crosslinked collagen scaffolds on human neutrophils, The 93rd General Session & Exhibition of the IADR/The 44th Annual Meeting of the AADR/The 39th Annual Meeting of the CADR, Boston, MA, USA. Mar 2015.

17.He, S.J., Chiang, M.H., Lai, Y.L., Hung, S.L., Wu, C.Y., Effects of a probiotic on Porphyromonas gingivalis stimulated neutrophil responses, The 93rd General Session & Exhibition of the IADR/The 44th Annual Meeting of the AADR/The 39th Annual Meeting of the CADR, Boston, MA, USA. Mar 2015.

18.吳靜宜,蘇子懿,馬魁,洪善鈴, 表沒食子兒茶素沒食子酸酯對突變型鏈球菌形成生物膜的影響,中華牙醫學會第十九屆第二次會員大會暨第三十七次學術研討會, 台灣高雄, Oct 2014.

19.吳詩韻、陳昱璇、張蓮鈺、吳靜宜、李士元, 口腔硬顎多發性潰瘍之治療病例報告,中華牙醫學會第十九屆第二次會員大會暨第三十七次學術研討會, 台灣高雄, Oct 2014.