學歷:國立陽明大學牙醫學士、公共衛生碩士、英國劍橋大學社區醫學碩士、博士PhD, Cambridge University, UK
聯絡電話:(02) 28267246
電子郵件: chily@nycu.edu.tw
計畫名稱 | 計畫內擔任之工作 | 執行期間 | 提供單位 |
臺灣地區常用口腔衛生指標之成本效益分析 | 共同主持人 | 95.1~95.12 | 國民健康局 |
94年度臺灣地區牙醫診所訪查計畫 | 協同主持人 | 94.11~95.12 | 衛生署 |
牙醫師參加繼續教育的意願及其影響因素 | 主持人 | 93.4~93.12 | 衛生署 |
台灣口腔健康促進網 (II) | 共同主持人 | 94.1~94.12 | 國民健康局 |
台灣口腔健康促進網 (I) | 共同主持人 | 93.1~93.12 | 國民健康局 |
青少年牙周疾病防治策略 | 協同主持人 | 92.5~92.12 | 國民健康局 |
全民健保牙醫總額預算及其支付項目對整體牙醫生態之影響 | 協同主持人 | 91.11~92.10 | 衛生署 |
國小學童餐後潔牙及含氟水漱口計畫成效評價 | 協同主持人 | 91.5~91.12 | 衛生署 |
牙醫師人力供需問題實證研究 | 協同主持人 | 91.5~91.12 | 衛生署 |
長期照護個案口腔照護與生活品質相關性之探討 | 協同主持人 | 91.1~91.12 | 衛生署 |
額外牙科住院醫師訓練計畫評價研究 | 主持人 | 91.1~91.12 | 衛生署 |
- Ling LJ. Hung SL. Tseng SC. Chen YT. Chi LY. Wu KM. Lai YL. Association between betel quid chewing, periodontal status and periodontal pathogens. Oral Microbiology & Immunology. 2001;16(6):364-9. (SCI)
- Kao SY. Wu CH. Lin SC. Yap SK. Chang CS. Wong YK. Chi LY. Liu TY. Genetic polymorphism of cytochrome P4501A1 and susceptibility to oral squamous cell carcinoma and oral precancer lesions associated with smoking/betel use. Journal of Oral Pathology & Medicine. 2002;31(9):505-11. (SCI)
- Lo WL, Kao SY, Chi LY, Wong YK, Chang RCS. Outcomes of oral squamous cell carcinoma in Taiwan after surgical therapy: factors affecting survival. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2003;61:751-8. (SCI)
- Chen YT. Hung SL. Lin LW. Chi LY. Ling LJ. Attachment of periodontal ligment cells to chlohexidine-loaded guided tissue regeneration membranes. J Periodontol 2003;74:1652-9. (SCI)
- Tsai SY. Chi LY. Cheng CY. Hsu WM. Liu JH. Chou P. The impact of visual impairment and use of eye services on health-related quality of life among the elderly in Taiwan: The Shihpai Eye Study. Quality of life research 2004;13:1415-24 (SCI)
- Tsai SY. Chi LY. Lee LS. Chou P. Health-related quality of life among urban, rural, and island community elderly in Taiwan. J Formos Med Assoc 2004;103(3):196-204 (SCI)
- Chang KW. Lee TC. Yeh WI. Chung MY. Liu CJ. Chi LY. Lin SC. Polymorphism in Heme Oxygenase-1 (HO-1) promotor is related to the risk of oral squamous cell carcinoma occurring on male areca chewers. British Journal of Cancer 2004;91:1551-5. (SCI)
- Tsai SY, LY Chi, C Lee, P Chou. Health-related quality of life as a predictor of mortality among community-dwelling older persons. Europe J Epideniol 2007;22:19-26.
- Wu S-Y, Chen Y-T, Chen C-W, Chi LY, Hsu N-Y, Hung S-L, Ling L-J. Comparison of clinical outcomes following treatment with guided tissue regeneration using the polylactic acid barrier and the collagen membrane. International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry 2007 (accepted on 3/8/2007) (SCI)
- 1. Chi LY, Brayne C. Confusion. In: Epidemiology in old age. Editors: Ebrahim S, Kalache A. Chapter 42. British Medical Association, London, 1996.
- 2. Chi LY. Health and hospital service use in the population aged 75 and over. Cambridge University, 1996. (PhD dissertation)
- 3. 季麟揚:要人命的牙痛。周碧瑟主編:強健體魄活力青春(高級中等學校衛生保健叢書),遠流出版社,民國91年,台北市。