Kao Shou-Yen
DDS, School of Dentistry, NYMMC, 1984. (Taiwan)
DMSc, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, 1996.(USA)
MHA, Graduate Institute of Health Care Management, Chan-Gun University, 2002 (Taiwan)
Appointment Status
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Oral oncology
Current Position
Vice-superintendent, Taipei Veterans General Hospital
Professional experience
Dept. Head, Department of Stomatology Taipei-Veterans General Hospital
President, Asian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon, Organizing Chair, 13th ACOMS 2018
1990 Best article award, Residents group, Chinese Medical Assciation
1991 Best article award, Department of Dentistry, Taipei-VGH
1992 Excellent clinical performance award, Taipei-VGH
1992 2nd honorary award, NSC
1992 NSC 3-year sponsorship of graduate doctorate program in abroad Harvard University, School of Dental Medicine
1993-1996 NSC 3-year sponsorship of graduate doctorate program in abroad Harvard University, School of Dental Medicine
2000 First prize award in clinical performance, Taipei-VGH
2002-2006 Supervisor for residents article awards in ROCAOMS
2004 Annual Outstanding Teacher voted by YM medical students
2004 Outstanding teaching award of department, Taipei-VGH
2004 Outstanding doctor in Ministry of Veterans Affairs
2006 2nd prize award of clinical innovation, Taipei-VGH
2006 Article award in Taiwan Surgical Association
2007 Best teaching division, as Division Chief, Taipei-VGH
2009 Great achievement and clinical innovation award, 50th year celebration of Taipei-VGH
2012 Best oral cancer detection performance award, Ministry of Health
2012 Model of anti-corruption, Taipei-VGH
2013 Model of anti-corruption for department, Taipei-VGH
2013 Outstanding doctor, Taipei-VGH
2013 Symbol of national Quality (Taiwan)
2013 Outstanding alumni in administration, NYMU
2015 Model Civil Servants of the Executive Yuan (Taiwan)
2016 3rd honored prize award in supervising civil study & writing
2016 The first president, The Republic of China Head and Neck Care Association
2017 Full accreditation of Taipei-VGH for AAHRPP on site visit, (The Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, USA)
2017 Significant achievement in supervising administrative affairs in Pharmacy, nutrition, stomatology departments & branches of veterans hospitals
2018 The genneral convener of the 13th Asian Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, ROCAOMS
2018 Significant achievement in supervising administrative affairs in Research & Education departments and others
2019 Extraordinary Contributions Award, ROCAOMS
- Yu EH, Lui MT, Tu HF, Wu CH, Lo WL, Yang CC, Chang KW, Kao SY. Oral carcinoma with perineural invasion has higher nerve growth factor expression and worse prognosis. Oral Diseases: 20, 268–274. 2014. (SCI)
- Chen YW, Chen IL, Lin IC, Kao SY. Prognostic value of hypercalcaemia and leucocytosis in resected oral squamous cell carcinoma. Brit J Oral Max Surg: MAY ;52(5) :425-431, 2014. (SCI)
- Hung PS, Tu HF, Kao SY, Yang CC, Liu CJ, Huang TY, Chang KW, Lin SC. miR-31 is upregulated in oral premalignant epithelium and contributes to the immortalization of normal oral keratinocytes. Carcinogenesis: 35(5) . 2014, (SCI)
- Liu CJ, Shen WG, Peng SY, Cheng HW, Kao SY, Lin SC, Chang KW. miR-134 induces oncogenicity and metastasis in head and neck carcinoma through targeting WWOX gene. Int J Cancer: FEB ;134(4) :811-821.2014. (SCI)
- Lin SP, Chiu FY, Wang Y, Yen ML, Kao SY, Hung SC. RB Maintains Quiescence and Prevents Premature Senescence through Upregulation of DNMT1 in Mesenchymal Stromal Cells. Stem Cell Reports: December 2014. (SCI)
- Kao SY, Tsai MM, Wu CH, Chen JJ, Tseng SH, Lin SC, Chan KW. Co-targeting of multiple microRNAs on factor-inhibiting hypoxia- inducible factor (FIH) gene for the pathogenesis of head and neck carcinomas. Head Neck; 2014. (SCI)
- Lu WC, Kao SY, Yang CC, Tu HF, Wu CH, Chang KW, Lin SC. EGF up-regulates miR-31 through the C/EBPβ signal cascade in oral carcinoma. PLoS One. 2014. (SCI)
- Kao SY, Lui MT, Cheng DH, Chen TW. Lateral trap-door window approach with maxillary sinus membrane lifting for dental implant placement in atrophied edentulous alveolar ridge. J Chin Med Assoc 2015; 78: 85-88.
- Kao SY, LIM Elva. An Overview of Detection and Screening of Oral Cancer in Taiwan. The Chinese Journal of Dental Research. 2015; 7-14.
- Kao SY, Mao l, Jian XC, Gunaseelan Rajan, Yu KY. Expert consensus on the detection and screening or oral cancer and precancer. The Chinese Journal of Dental Research. 2015; 18:79-84.
- Kao YY, Tu HF, Kao SY, Chang KW, Lin SC. The increase of oncogenic miRNA expression in tongue carcinogenesis of a mouse model. Oral Oncol. 2015 Dec;51(12):1103-12.
- Yang, HY ; Lu, KC ; Fang, WH ; Lee, HS ; Wu, CC ; Huang, YH ; Lin, YF ; Kao SY ; Lai, CH ; Chu, CM ; Su, SL. Impact of interaction of cigarette smoking with angiotensin-converting enzyme polymorphisms on end-stage renal disease risk in a Han Chinese population . JOURNAL OF THE RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN-ALDOSTERONE SYSTEM 2015 MAR ;16(1) :203-210
- Hsiao, PJ ; Lin, KS ; Chiu, CC ; Chen, HW ; Huang, JS ; Kao SY ; Lin, YF ; Chen, JS .Use of traditional Chinese medicine (Ren Shen Yang Rang Tang) against microinflammation in hemodialysis patients: An open-label trial .COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES IN MEDICINE 2015 JUN ;23(3) :363-371
- Kao SY ; Shyu, JF ; Wang, HS ; Lin, CH ; Su, CH ; Chen, TH ; Weng, ZC ; Tsai, PJ. Comparisons of Differentiation Potential in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Wharton’s Jelly, Bone Marrow, and Pancreatic Tissues . STEM CELLS INT Article Number:306158; 2015
- Hsing, SC ; Lu, KC ; Sun, CA ; Chien, WC ; Chung, CH ; Kao SY .The Association of Losartan and Ramipril Therapy With Kidney and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease A Chinese Nation-Wide Cohort Study in Taiwan . MEDICINE Article Number:e1999; 2015 DEC ;94(48)
- Hung KF, Liu CJ, Chiu PC, Lin JS, Chang KW, Shih WY, Kao SY, Tu HF. MicroRNA-31 upregulation predicts increased risk of progression of oral potentially malignant disorder. Oral Oncology. 2016.53 :42–47
- Wang L, Chen YW, Ho CY, Hsueh Liu YW, Chou FI, Liu YH, Liu HM, Peir JJ, Jiang SH, Chang CW, Liu CS, Lin KH,Wang SJ, Chu PY, Lo WL, Kao SY, Yen SH. Fractionated Boron Neutron Capture Therapy in Locally Recurrent Head and Neck Cancer: A Prospective Phase I/II Trial. Int J Radiation Oncol Biol Phys. 2016 . 95(1):396-403.
- Huang HC, Kao SY, Chen SY, Yang CC. Osteosarcoma of mandible – A case report. Taiwan J oral Maxillofac Surg. 2016.27(1): 38-45.
- Kao SY ; Tsai, MM ; Wu, CH ; Chen, JJ ; Tseng, SH ; Lin, SC ; Chang, KW. Co-targeting of multiple microRNAs on factor-inhibiting hypoxia-inducible factor gene for the pathogenesis of head and neck carcinomas. HEAD NECK-J SCI SPEC 2016 APR ;38(4) :522-528
- Lin, SC ; Kao SY ; Chang, JCY ; Liu, YC ; Yu, EH ; Tseng, SH ; Liu, CJ ; Chang, KW. Up-regulation of miR-187 modulates the advances of oral carcinoma by targeting BARX2 tumor suppressor. Oncotarget 2016 SEP 20 ;7(38) :61355-61365
- Chen, YF ; Yang, CC ; Kao SY ; Liu, CJ ; Lin, SC ; Chang, KW. MicroRNA-211 Enhances the Oncogenicity of Carcinogen-Induced Oral Carcinoma by Repressing TCF12 and Increasing Antioxidant Activity. CANCER RESEARCH 2016 AUG 15 ;76(16) :4872-4886
- Yeh, CF ; Li, WY ; Chu, PY ; Kao SY ; Chen, YW ; Lee, TL ; Hsu, YB ; Yang, CC ; Tai, SK. Pretreatment pain predicts perineural invasion in oral squamous cell carcinoma: A prospective study. ORAL ONCOLOGY 2016 OCT ;61() :115-119
- Lu, WC ; Liu, CJ ; Tu, HF ; Chung, YT ; Yang, CC ; Kao SY ; Chang, KW ; Lin, SC. miR-31 targets ARID1A and enhances the oncogenicity and stemness of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Oncotarget 2016 AUG 30 ;7(35) :57254-57267
- Yang, CC ; Tu, HF ; Wu, CH ; Chang, HC ; Chiang, WF ; Shih, NC ; Lee, YS ; Kao SY ; Chang, KW. Up-regulation of HB-EGF by the COX-2/PGE2 signaling associates with the cisplatin resistance and tumor recurrence of advanced HNSCC. ORAL ONCOLOGY 2016 MAY ;56() :54-61
- 黃弘昌; 高壽延; 陳盛鈺; 楊政杰.下顎骨骨肉瘤-病例報告 臺灣口腔顎面外科學會雜誌 2016 ;V.27(N.1) :P.38-45
- 楊令瑀; 黃加璋; 楊盈盈; 莊喬琳; 李文興; 張景智; 黃金洲; 黃惠君; 李發耀; 高壽延. ”Keyword-First Letter Mnemonics” Augments New Clinical Teacher’s Proficiency for Continuously Promotion of ”Professionalism/ System-Based Practice” Competencies醫學教育 2016 ;V.20(N.2) :P.105-115
- 賴庭歡; 雷文天; 高壽延. 藥物相關之顎骨壞死的治療考量 臨床醫學 2016 ;V.78(N.2) :P.100-106
- 成函潔; 雷文天; 高壽延; 楊政杰.上顎牙骨質骨化纖維瘤-病例報告及文獻回顧. 臺灣口腔顎面外科學會雜誌 2016 ;V.27(N.4) :P.311-317
- Yang LY, Yang YY, Huang CC, Liang JF, Lee FY, Cheng HM, Huang CC, Kao SY. Simulation-based inter-professional education to improve attitudes towards collaborative practice: a prospective comparative pilot study in a Chinese medical centre.. BMJ Open. 2017 Nov 8;7(11)
- Kuo CC, Kao SY, Lui MT, Wu CH. The abscopal effect associated with combined pembrolizumab and radiotherapy in disseminated locaregional/Metastatic disease of advanced head and neck cancer – a case report. Taiwan J Oral maxillofac Surg 28:263-274. 2017
- Chou CH, Tu HF, Kao SY, Fan Chiang C-Y, Liu CJ, Chang KW*, Lin SC*. Targeting of miR-31/96/182 to the Numb gene during head and neck oncogenesis. Head Neck. 2018 Apr;40(4):808-81
- Yang LY, Yang YY, Huang CC, Liang JF, Lee FY, Cheng HM, Huang CC, Kao SY. Simulation-based inter-professional education to improve attitudes towards collaborative practice: a prospective comparative pilot study in a Chinese medical centre. BMJ Open. 2017 Nov 8;7(11):e015105 1-11.
- Chien KH, Chang YL, Wang ML, Chuang JH, Yang YC, Tai MC, Wang CY, Liu YY, Li HY, Chen JT, Kao SY, Chen HL, Lo WL. Promoting Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-driven Biomineralization and Periodontal Regeneration in Rats with Maxillary-Molar Defects using Injectable BMP-6 Hydrogel. Sci Rep.: 2018 Jan 8;8(1):114.
- Chou CH, Tu HF, Kao SY, Chiang CF, Liu CJ, Chang KW, Lin SC. Targeting of miR-31/96/182 to the Numb gene during head and neck oncogenesis. Head Neck.: 2018 Apr;40(4):808-817.
- Chang CW, Chen YS, Tsay YG, Han CL, Chen YJ, Yang CC, Hung KF, Lin CH, Huang TY, Kao SY, Lee TC, Lo JF. ROS-independent ER stress-mediated NRF2 activation promotes warburg effect to maintain stemness-associated properties of cancer-initiating cells. Cell Death Dis.: 2018 Feb 7;9(2):194.
- Lin SC, Lin LH, Yu SY, Kao SY, Chang KW, Cheng HW, Liu CJ. FAT1 somatic mutations in head and neck carcinoma are associated with tumor progression and survival. Carcinogenesis.: 2018 Dec 13;39(11):1320-1330.
- Lin LH, Chang KW, Kao SY, Cheng HW, Liu CJ。 Increased Plasma Circulating Cell-Free DNA Could Be a Potential Marker for Oral Cancer. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Oct 24;19(11). pii: E3303 1-13.
Email Address :
Address : No.201, Sec. 2, Shipai Rd., Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan 11217, R.O.C.